How's 2014 shaking out so far?

Thursday, January 30

I'd be lying if I said 2014 was off to a smooth start for me. I find myself daydreaming about trips to Thailand, New Zealand, Hawaii, Bali and Japan among other fantastic places. I really only took 2 days off after my busiest holiday season yet.  Now I'm in full swing trying to launch new designs and get samples to my sales rep for the California Gift Show that starts tomorrow. When I found myself dropping off samples close to midnight this week, I knew I definitely did not have a handle on things. So far this month I caught a nasty cold, had my bike stolen (it was locked securely with a ulock in broad daylight) while I was downtown picking up supplies, fallen behind on new sample deadlines and more. But I am not superwoman and I don't have clones to pick up the slack.

Ayuthaya, Thailand
© celine jacinto 2012 |
The silver lining for all the craziness January has thrown at me is that it inspired me to write down actual goals for the year and make a bucket list! Actually traveling to some of the places I daydream about and have a Pinterest board devoted to is top on the list. I started using and set a travel goal for real this year. I haven't decided if it will be Thailand or Hawaii yet but either way I'm going.

photo by Dave Rosenblum
I am planning for a 2014 filled with at least one great travel adventure, more trips back to the East coast to visit my family, lots of yoga with good friends, bike rides, good books, learning to cook more, hikes, and of course growing Amanda K Lockrow. So take that January! You may have kicked my butt, but I am not giving up.

What about you? How did January go for you? Did you make any goals for 2014? Leave a comment and let me know.

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