Hi again out there in the blog universe

Wednesday, February 24

I have been completely MIA from the blogging world for months and months. I have actually been MIA from most of my sites online, Etsy, flickr , and this blog have all been sadly neglected. I have been busy making lots of new work, lots of old work, doing shows, and just trying to keep up in general. So this is a post just to say hi again.

One of my favorite things to do in the winter is snowboard, so whenever I can I am off in the mountains. The best thing about snowboarding is that I do not have to worry about my deadlines or anything else hanging over my head. I am just out there with my friends enjoying every second. I feel like a kid when I am snowboarding, most of the time I probably have a goofy grin plastered across my face.
Do you have anything that makes you feel this way?

Making time for myself in my hectic schedule is so important, so these are some of the ways I do. I recently have been giving kickboxing a try with one of my friends, this a huge challenge for me because I am a perfectionist and it totally takes me out of my comfort zone. I am totally comfortable in a spinning class, yoga class, running, playing tennis, etc., but kickboxing is such a challenge. I am going to keep trying though because I think it's also good to get out of your comfort zone sometimes.

So this is a really random post but I just wanted to talk a little about what I have been doing other than making jewelry. I am really excited about a new addition to my tailored collection though. These pieces are made of sterling silver and felt. They are not up in my Etsy shop yet but they will be soon. Here is a peak though.

Hopefully in 2010 I will be a little better about blogging about what is going on in my world. I feel super lucky all around. I have more great stores carrying my line for 2010, I am working with Spitfire Girl on a super fantastic line of jewelry for their brand with their artwork, I also moved around the holidays in to a cute little guest house in Los Angeles next to one of my best friends, which means I get to hammer all night long without bothering any neighbors. I know things are really tough out there for a lot of people but please don't give up, because at anytime things can turn around for the better!

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