So Much to Do so Little Time

Tuesday, November 20

So I managed to find a tent at the last minute, saved on shipping too because I went to pick it up super early in the morning today! Not I just need to make it to the fabric store in the morning before work, because I have to change my booth set-up now that I have a tent. I got some casting done and they didn't clean it up like they usually do so I have to do that tonight but I think they look nice! Some doves and bees! Oh and I got my haircut finally, the benefit of selling your jewelry at a salon is you can trade! I finished some more rings and restocked my plastic dove necklaces. Then I have more orders to fill that just came in and so many ideas for the shows. Oh and Thanksgiving dinner Thursday night with friends since my family is so far away. Hopefully I can relax and not think of the show the day after and everything I didn't finish in time. Of course whatever I finish is never enough. Still need to make a trip to Big Lots for some storage containers and last minute things. If only I didn't work full time on top of this. But my bosses are wonderful and are the reason I can pursue any of this in the first place, they gave me a push into the fairs that I kept putting off applying for. Anyway lots of new things and I'm excited for handmade for the holidays!
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